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Candida Auris The smallest and Silent Killer in Healthcare Facilities.

 'SILENT killer' Urgent warning as cases of deadly fungus surge sparking Last Of Usa fears

A DEADLY drug-resistant fungus is spreading at an alarming rate, raising concerns about The Last of the United States.

Because it is resistant to common antifungal medications, the rare bug, which preys on elderly people with weakened immune systems, is recognized as a serious global health threat.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that Candida auris (C. auris) infections had risen dramatically in the United States in recent years.

The organization declared the fungus, which kills up to 60% of those infected, an "urgent threat" in 2019.

According to the study, which was published in the Annals of Medicine, the number of C. auris infections in the United States increased by 95% between 2020 and 2021.

Furthermore, the deadly fungus has now been found in over half of all US states.

It comes just a week after the hit zombie show The Last of Us wrapped up.

The show involved a different fungal infection, known as cordyceps, which evolved to infect people's brains.

Dr. Meghan Lyman, chief medical officer of the CDC's mycotic diseases branch, told Sky News that the increases, "especially in the most recent years, are really concerning to us".

"We've seen increases not just in areas of ongoing transmission, but also in new areas," she said.

Dr. Meghan expressed concern about the growing number of fungus samples that are resistant to common treatments.

Previously, experts referred to the rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a "silent pandemic."

AMR caused 1.27 million deaths in 2019, meaning that drug-resistant infections killed more people than HIV/AIDS (864,000 deaths) or malaria (643,000 deaths).

Former health secretary Matt Hancock said at a United Nations AMR dialogue in 2021, "The silent pandemic of AMR could have far more lethal consequences than Covid."

"In my opinion, it's an existential threat on par with climate change."

What is Candida auris ?

Candida auris According to the World Health Organization is a fungus that can cause serious infections in humans. 

It was first identified in 2009 and has since been reported in over 30 countries worldwide.  

Candida auris infections are difficult to diagnose and treat because the fungus is often resistant to multiple antifungal medications. 

This can lead to prolonged hospital stays, increased healthcare costs, and a higher risk of mortality for infected patients. 

The WHO considers Candida auris to be an emerging global health threat and has issued guidance to healthcare providers and public health officials on how to detect, prevent, and control its spread.

What are the symptoms of C. auris?

Doctors frequently struggle to identify C. auris infection symptoms because they usually occur in people who are already sick.

The symptoms of the disease differ depending on where C. auris is found in the body.

It can form in a number of locations, including an open wound, the bloodstream, or the ear.

Because C. auris infections can be fatal, early detection is critical.

However, a common symptom is a fever or chill that does not go away, even after antibiotics have been taken.

Fighting fungal infections

Fungal infections, including C. auris, are also difficult to treat, according to experts, because antifungals can be harmful to humans.

According to Lance B. Price, professor of environmental and occupational health at George Washington University and founder and co-director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, prevention is critical.

"The frightening thing about candida auris and any of the drug-resistant fungal infections is how difficult it is to find good, safe antifungals because people and fungi are made of the same stuff," said Price, who was not involved in the CDC study.

Antifungal agents are also overused in agriculture, according to him, which may contribute to more drug-resistant strains.

According to the study's authors, the increase in C. auris cases could be due to increased surveillance efforts picking up more cases, decreased prevention efforts due to a burdened healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic, or both.

"Hospitals must step up and screen patients for drug-resistant strains, isolate them and be on top of infection control," Price said.

How does Candida auris gain its drug resistance?

  • It is frequently resistant to medications. Antifungal medications commonly used to treat              Candida infections frequently fail to treat Candida auris. Some C. auris infections have developed resistance to all three antifungal medications.
  • It's becoming more prevalent. Despite the fact that C. auris was only discovered in 2009, it has spread rapidly and caused infections in over a dozen countries.
  • It's difficult to pinpoint. Unless specialized laboratory technology is used, C. auris can be misidentified as other types of fungi. This misidentification could result in a patient receiving the incorrect treatment.
  • It has the potential to spread in hospitals and nursing homes. C. auris has caused outbreaks in hospitals and can be spread through contact with infected patients and contaminated surfaces or equipment. Because C. auris can live on surfaces for several weeks, it is critical that healthcare facilities practice good hand hygiene and cleaning.




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